Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thing #19

The only online community that I am a part of is Facebook.  I suppose that after this project I now belong to a lot more than I think.  I did my website of the day on social Nings!  I think that they are really neat and I plan on signing up for one for my students when I become a teacher.  I think it is a fun way to do social networking because it is private social network. 

Thing #24

I really enjoyed this blog project.  I think that keeping and maintaining a blog is a great idea for any teacher to use.  Not just teachers but anyone, actually!  I did start to struggle at the end, and as you can tell I still have not figured out how to add the videos or the binder.  I cannot figure out how to add the embeded codes and make them show up as a video or photo.  I will definitely keep working on it though until I am able to figure it out!

At first I thought this project was not going to go well for me.  I was not too excited about the fact of having to make a blog, but it actually turned out to be a great experience for me.  I can't believe how much information I have walked away with and how much better I understand web 2.0 and its importance.  This experience and the am ount of imformation that I have learned is going to impact my teaching career greatly.  I can now teach my students better with technology than if I had not learned about all of these tools.

Technology in the classroom is going to be essential when I finally become a teacher.  Technology is moving at such a rapid pace, so by the time that I actually start teaching, who knows what the level of technology will be by then.  This was a great project and I am definitely going to keep up on this blog and add to it!

Thing #23

Creative commons is what allows us as teachers to be able to use our creativity and not get in trouble for it.  Teachers should be able to publish something without fear of someone else stealing the idea and passing it off as their own.  Creative commons can be used in the classroom as a fun, interactive activity that can be used with both students and parents.

Thing #22

This binder is simply named Education.  I thought this was a neat concept, however, I do not think that I would use this in the classroom.  I had a hard time figuring the whole project binder out, I honestly don't know if I did it correctly. :/  I can see how it could be useful in the classroom

Thing #21

Copy of My Facebook pics

This was really cool!  I really enjoyed this Thing.  It was so easy too.  I signed up with Facebook and it automatically uploaded my FB pictures and basically made the video for me.  I will definitely be using this in the very near future and during my career as a teacher.

Thing #20

I chose a video of high school teachers dancing to Gangnam Style during an assembly.  The reason I chose this is because I like to think that teachers can have fun too, yes, even high school teachers!  I really like youtube, I use it a lot, mostly for listening to music though, not really watching how-to videos.

The teacher rehearsed a lot because they were spot on and did an amazing job.  It was fun to find the video!

Thing #18


The reason that it is so important for educators to know how social networking works is because almost every person in the world belongs to one.  Teachers are going to hear about their students' statuses on a daily basis.  It is also good for educators to know how social networking works because they could even use social networking to keep in contact with students and parents when away from school.

I really like the social networking sites because they allow for you to keep in touch with family and friends when you don't live near them.  It is a lot easier than a phone call and a lot more fun :). 

I only belong to Facebook.  I don't really follow Twitter because I feel like it is more complex than Facebook and I am not committed enough to have a twitter account.  I am happy with Facebookbecause it is very easy to navigate and use.

I can definitely see applications such as twitter and Facebook being used in a classroom setting.  Social networking can make it easier to communicate with students, parent, and colleagues.

Thing #17

I really enjoyed this one.  It reminded me a lot of Diigo.com and I found that to be very easy to use when doing the website of the day.  I can definitely see using this in the classroom because of the fact that we have used something similar in this class.  A tool like this is very easy to use and makes it easier for others to follow.  Teachers can take advantage of social bookmarking sites by collaborating with each other and making tags that their peers can follow and use in theri classrooms as well.  This is a great tool for everyone, not just teachers.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Thing #16

I chose to use iGoogle.  This was a very fast and easy set up because I us gmail for my email account so I basically already have accounts with everything Google!  I will not make it my permanent home page, but I will use it daily.  I added a calander, to-do list, and the weather.

The online calander will be useful to me because I am a very forgetful person, so if I check my calander every day I won't forget or be late for an appointment.

The to-do list will be helpful to me but I did feel like it was too much work.  I will use it, but I would be ok if I didn't use it either.  I usually  know what my to-do's are without a reminder! :)

I feel like this could be used at school and at home.  You could have two seperate accounts, a personal and a work, and have everything seperated so there would be no confusion.  Using this at school, which would be work for us, could help us keep our schedules and assignments straight.  No more forgotten meetings or appointments and no more forgotten class assignments!

Thing #15

I made my wiki on Thing #9.  I thought it would be fun to let other people know how much fun image generators are.  I had never heard of them before this class and it was one of my favorite "Things" to work on.  I named my wiki page Pam's Thing #9 and told which website I liked best for the generator and how much fun I had with the original assignment.

I can't wait to go back in a few days to see if anyone has added any input or comments on their own experiences.  Super fun setting up my own wiki!

Thing #14

I chose Gliffy for the flowchart and bubble.us for the mind map.  The reason that I chose these two was because they were more aesthetically pleasing.  They both were very easy to work with.  Bubble.us was the most fun for me to work with.  I have never done a flowchart or a mind map before, so I was going into this "Thing" without knowing what I was doing.  The sites were very helpful in explaining how to create the charts which made the assignment a little easier for me.

Thing #13

I decided not to set up an account with Zoho due to the fact that I do not want to be bombarded with junk email.  I made a drawing in google docs which imitates the classroom drawing we did for our livetext project.  It was very easy to work with and create.  The way that students could work collaboratively with google docs is by setting the students in small groups to have them decide on a theme and then together they could create a drawing.  I did however, have a very hard time trying to figure out how to share the document I created on my blog.  As soon as i can figure it out, I will post the drawing for you all to see.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thing #12: Google

I chose Google Calendar and Google Translate to explore further.  I think that both tools would be beneficial in a classroom setting.  Google Calendar can be used by the teacher to keep track of daily assignments and meetings.  Google Translate can be useful when teaching ELL students.  I liked the Google Translate because it allows for easier learning of a foreign language. I find both of these tools can be  useful even for personal reasons, not just the classroom.

Thing #11: Finding Feeds

The method that I found to be the easiest was Google Blog Search.  The reason it was the easiest was because all you had to do was type in a subject and it pulled up all the blogs on that subject.  Topix.net and Technorati were a little confusing for me, I did not like how you had to search for what you wanted to find, it took too much time.  I found a lot of useful educational blogs by using keywords like "web 2.0" and "blogs about education".  I did not find any unusual feeds.  I think that my future personal and educational tool of choice to find good newsfeeds and blogs would be Google Blog Search.

Thing #10: RSS

Setting up my Google Reader account was very easy.  I already have a gmail account so it automatically set up my Google Reader account.  All I had to do was subscribe to the websites that I wanted daily information from.  I personally do not like the RSS and newsreaders.  I feel like it is just another email account to have to manage.  I can see how using this technology in schools and in your personal life could be beneficial, I just can't see myself using it.  Being able to have all subscriptions on one page would definitely  make life a little easier when you want information from all of your subscriptions at the same time.  Technology is constantly growing and changing so using a tool like RSS can keep you up-to-date with these growing technologies and keep you ready for the most current technology.

Thing #9: Image Generators


custom image

The process for creating both of these images was ver easy and self explanatory.  You simply choose the design you want to use and then place the words that you want to use on the template and hit generate.  I had a lot of fun creating both of these images.

I can see using these generators in the library or classroom.  For my second image I researched teaching quotes.  The students could do the same thing.  These image generators could be used as a learning tool, allowing for the students to research something and turn it into an image.  I also know I will be using these generators for personal use as well.  It was a fun and eay exercise, so why not use it at home too?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thing #8: Mash Ups

letter tMagnetic letter eCardboard letter aCPuffy Sticker Letter H

I created this image with Spell with Flickr. I had fun with this "thing" and it was so easy to use. I really liked how you could change the letter to a new design just by clicking on it. I think that a tool like Flickr and Spell with Flickr could be very beneficial to a classroom. It would be neat to create images that deal with the subject you teach and place them throughout the classroom. It would also be fun to have students use this tool to create their own image and use it in a presentation or part of a project. I will definitely use Flickr in my class.

I feel like sharing photos online is fine as long as they are not too personal. If I had a photo that meant a lot to me, I would not share that with other people because it is something that is special to me. I also think that it would depend on the reason for wanting to share a photo that would justify its use.

Thing #7: Flickr

by honeycri

Finding an image on Flickr was very easy.  I had no idea what kind of image I was going to look for so I just started exploring the site.  I happened upon pictures of cats doing funny things, I love cats so I decided to look at those pictures.  This was the one I decided on.  I chose this image because I love how cats squeeze themselves into the smallest spaces and sleep.  This kitty looks pretty content, don't you think?

I did not set up an account with Flickr, but I know that I will in the future.  Flickr can be a very fun tool to use as a teacher. 

Thing #6: Discovery Web 2.0

I chose to explore Google Calendar.  The reason I chose this tool was because I felt that for a teacher, having a daily calendar would help make the teaching process a little easier.  Being able to have a day-by-day account of what you plan to teach and how will make it easier to plan the next day's subject.
I really liked how you could choose to plan by day, week, month, or four day increments.  I also liked that you could add your agenda for any given day or every day if you wanted to and make it a set event.  I did not dislike anything about Google Calendar.  It was very easy to use and navigate.  I could definitely see this tool being used in a school.  This tool would make for easier planning and would even help so that events and plans are not missed.

Google Calendar

Thing #5: Web 2.0

School 2.0 to me means growth of technology in the classroom.  The amount of technology that is used in today's classrooms is monumental compared to 10 years ago when I was in school.  We had a single computer lab with no internet access.  Today students are given iPads and MacBooks to use in the classroom that have internet access.  This allows for students to be able to do research for assignments and write papers at the same time all while sitting at their desk at school.  I love the idea of being able to use technology to enhance the material that my students will learn.  I also think that implementing technology in the class will make it easier for the students to want to learn.
With technology growing at such a rapid pace, schools in the future will have greater access to greater technology.  Students will enjoy going to class because it will all be interactive technologies, not just internet surfing and computers.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thing #4: Commenting

The reason that commenting on other people's blogs helps create a sense of community and interaction is because it brings people together that share the same interests.  When you have people commenting on your blog, you realize that you are not the only person that feels the way you do about something.  Commenting allows the blogger a chance to learn from other people about the subject being blogged about.
From the blogs about commenting that we were supposed to read, I really liked the "ask questions" portion.  Like it stated, asking question invites visitors of your blog to comment on your posts; especially if it is a question that can't be ignored.  I also liked the point "make it meaningful".  Don't leave a comment that isn't heart-felt or sincere, the blogger spends a lot of time posting and is proud of their blog and the work that they put into it. 
The five class-mates that I chose to comment on are: Hilton's patch of education, C. Barlow's 23 things, Webb's 23 things, The Brennan Breeze, and L. Oliphant's 23 things.  The reason that I chose these five was for various reasons, but the main reason was because their blog pages were eye-catching which peaked my interest on the content included.  The two outside blogs I chose were Happyquiltingmellissa.blogspot.com and smittenkitchen.com.  The reason I chose these two blogs is because I love quilting and cooking.  I want to learn more about both so I thought I would give their blogs a try.

I commented on Hilton's patch of education on her post named Thing 5 on 2.0.  I told her that I agreed with her about the use of technology in the classroom.  I also told her that I could tell how passionate she was about becoming a teacher.  I chose to write this comment because I did agree with her and I liked what she had to say about the use and misuse of technology on classrooms.  At the end of her post she talks about how excited she is to teach with technology, but the way she said it made me smile. 

C.Barlow's 23 things and her Thing 7 was what I posted on.  I told her that I have not done thing 7 yet but that it looked like fun and that I also liked the picture she posted.  I chose to comment on hers because I, like her, like flowers too and I thought the picture that she chose was pretty.

For The Brennan Breeze I commented on Thing #9: Image Generators.  I commented on how I liked the quote that she chose for the first image and that I thought it was quite fitting to have in the classroom.  I chose to comment on this one because I liked the way the images looked and it got me excited for when I get to Thing 9.

On Webb's23things, I chose to comment on Thing 3.  I told her that I loved her idea about how to use her blog to keep the children interested.  I chose to write this because I have the same views as she does when it comes to making a blog while being a teacher.

On L.Olophant's23things I chose Thing #10.  I told her that I like the idea of having a time-saver in the classroom.  I chose to write that because I know that as a teacher anything to make our jobs a little easier, even if it is saving a little time here and there, is going to be better.

For Happyquiltingmellissa.blogspot.com, I commented on the really cute Halloween fabric and designs for her current quilt she is making.  I also told her I am new to quilting so I don't know much about block quilting.  The reason I made this comment to her was because I wanted her to know that I liked her quilting ideas.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Thing #3

I think that one of the most beneficial ways to use a blog in the classroom is for personal growth.  I would use a blog as a type of personal journal.  I would keep a daily log of my experiences in the classroom and with my students.  I think it would be good to be able to look back and see how much I had grown and learned from my experiences as a new teacher.

I would also have a teacher/parent/student blog so that my students and their parents could follow their progress throughout the school year.  I would love to be able to see parents interact and comment on the blog because it would show their involvement with their child's education.

Before this blog assignment, it had never occurred to me that a blog could be used or would be beneficial in a classroom.  The more I thought about this question, the more I realized how easy it would be and how much it would help a teacher.  A blog is also a fun way to get your students interested in what they are learning.

Thing #2

My experience while making my blog page was quite fun and easy.  I very much enjoyed this project.  I have always wanted to make my own blog page but I thought that it would be very hard and time consuming but it was the exact opposite.  I think that the reason it was so easy was because it was self-explanatory.  Step-by-step instructions and a walk-through set up with the professor also helped.

I took my time when I chose my posting name.  This blog is going to follow me for the rest of my life so I wanted to make it mean something; this blog is more than just a grade to me.  I didn't want it to be just anything; I wanted my posting name to represent me in a special way.  I wanted to be reminded of why I chose to go back to school and why it is so important for me to finish.  My posting name has the first initial of my husband, all three of my children, and myself (epazk: Eric, Pam, Alexa, Zack, and Katelyn).  My husband and I are high school sweethearts and one of my favorite memories is  of me watching him play football for the school we attended, so the number 77 represents his old jersey number.  Every time I get on my blog page I will be reminded of my family and how much I love them.

My blog name is not as special but to me it represents MY journey to becoming a teacher.  This blog page is about me and my learning process throughout this journey.  I am sure that other student's chose to name their 23 Things after themselves as well, but these 23 Things are about just me and that is what makes them unique.

My avatar looks like me for the same reason that I took my time to name my posting name and blog name; this blog is mine, it represent me and what I stand for.  My favorite color is green and I love to wear jeans, so I thought it only appropriate to give myself a green shirt and a pair of jeans on my avatar.  This blog represents who I am now, not who I want to be!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing #1

Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

Habits that are easy for me:

Habit 1: Begin With the End in Mind
This habit is easy for me because the only reason I start something is because I plan to finish it.  I think about what the finished product will be and how it will affect me.  Going back to college was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made.  The reason I continue with it and work so hard is because I know how amazing it is going to feel when I get to hold my degree and say "I knew this day was going to come".

Habit 2: Accept Responsibility for Your Own Learning
I am the only one that will suffer if I don't take responsibility for my own learning.  It was my decision to go back to school; therefore, it is my responsibility to want to learn and understand what is being taught to me.

Habit 3: View Problems as Challenges
Almost all problems end up being a challenge.  It is how you take on that challenge and overcome it that is most important.  Viewing a problem as a challenge comes natural to me because my problems, not just with school but family and life too, are the biggest challenges I will ever face.  These challenges make me a better person and they are the best things that have ever happened to me.

Habit 4: Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competent, Effective Learner
It is easy for me to have confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner because without it I would struggle with school every day.  I go to my classes ready and eager to learn and that also helps me be a competent and effective learner: I want to be there, I want my knowledge to grow. 

Habit 7 and 1/2: Play!
I love this habit!  It is essential to take school and learning seriously, but everybody needs a break to relax and have a little fun.

Habits that are hard for me:

Habit 5: Create Your Own Learning Toolbox
I don't feel as though I have established a learning toolbox as of yet.  This is a habit that I should focus more of my time on so that I can provide myself with the right tools for my learning experiences.

Habit 6: Use Technology to Your Advantage:
The technology that I use the most is a simple desktop computer.  I am comfortable with this technology, I know how to use it and the process of using it comes easily to me.  I feel like the reason I have not expanded to other technologies is because they were not introduced to me at a young age.  Schools today have introduced the use of iPads, iPods, MacBooks, and more, I did not have access to these when I was in school. 

Habit 7: Teach/Mentor Others
I am not much of a social butterfly.  I like to be alone where it is quiet when I am working on assignments for school.  When I am placed in a group project for a class, I do what I can to teach and mentor the other members of my group when they need it.  I definitely need to work on this habit because I know it is going to benefit me in the long run.

When I started this blog I had never learned the term Web 2.0.  What I want to learn most by playing with Web 2.0 tools I am already in the process of doing; I have always wanted to make my own blog page and now I am learning how.

My experience while setting up my blog page was fun and informative.  The reason I have never done a blog page was because I thought it was going to be a long, hard process, but it ended up being one of the easiest projects I have ever done.  I knew that this blog page was going to follow me for the rest of my life so I wanted to make it special and take the time to make it nice.  I did not want to just hurry and pick a name for my blog or my blog address; I wanted my address to represent who I am and what I represent.  My blog address may not make sense to anyone who accesses my blog, but every time I get on I will remember why I started school in the first place and how much it will mean when I have finally conquered it.