Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thing #19

The only online community that I am a part of is Facebook.  I suppose that after this project I now belong to a lot more than I think.  I did my website of the day on social Nings!  I think that they are really neat and I plan on signing up for one for my students when I become a teacher.  I think it is a fun way to do social networking because it is private social network. 

Thing #24

I really enjoyed this blog project.  I think that keeping and maintaining a blog is a great idea for any teacher to use.  Not just teachers but anyone, actually!  I did start to struggle at the end, and as you can tell I still have not figured out how to add the videos or the binder.  I cannot figure out how to add the embeded codes and make them show up as a video or photo.  I will definitely keep working on it though until I am able to figure it out!

At first I thought this project was not going to go well for me.  I was not too excited about the fact of having to make a blog, but it actually turned out to be a great experience for me.  I can't believe how much information I have walked away with and how much better I understand web 2.0 and its importance.  This experience and the am ount of imformation that I have learned is going to impact my teaching career greatly.  I can now teach my students better with technology than if I had not learned about all of these tools.

Technology in the classroom is going to be essential when I finally become a teacher.  Technology is moving at such a rapid pace, so by the time that I actually start teaching, who knows what the level of technology will be by then.  This was a great project and I am definitely going to keep up on this blog and add to it!

Thing #23

Creative commons is what allows us as teachers to be able to use our creativity and not get in trouble for it.  Teachers should be able to publish something without fear of someone else stealing the idea and passing it off as their own.  Creative commons can be used in the classroom as a fun, interactive activity that can be used with both students and parents.

Thing #22

This binder is simply named Education.  I thought this was a neat concept, however, I do not think that I would use this in the classroom.  I had a hard time figuring the whole project binder out, I honestly don't know if I did it correctly. :/  I can see how it could be useful in the classroom

Thing #21

Copy of My Facebook pics

This was really cool!  I really enjoyed this Thing.  It was so easy too.  I signed up with Facebook and it automatically uploaded my FB pictures and basically made the video for me.  I will definitely be using this in the very near future and during my career as a teacher.

Thing #20

I chose a video of high school teachers dancing to Gangnam Style during an assembly.  The reason I chose this is because I like to think that teachers can have fun too, yes, even high school teachers!  I really like youtube, I use it a lot, mostly for listening to music though, not really watching how-to videos.

The teacher rehearsed a lot because they were spot on and did an amazing job.  It was fun to find the video!

Thing #18


The reason that it is so important for educators to know how social networking works is because almost every person in the world belongs to one.  Teachers are going to hear about their students' statuses on a daily basis.  It is also good for educators to know how social networking works because they could even use social networking to keep in contact with students and parents when away from school.

I really like the social networking sites because they allow for you to keep in touch with family and friends when you don't live near them.  It is a lot easier than a phone call and a lot more fun :). 

I only belong to Facebook.  I don't really follow Twitter because I feel like it is more complex than Facebook and I am not committed enough to have a twitter account.  I am happy with Facebookbecause it is very easy to navigate and use.

I can definitely see applications such as twitter and Facebook being used in a classroom setting.  Social networking can make it easier to communicate with students, parent, and colleagues.